
Showing posts from May, 2024

Develop Confidence in oneself and in God

  1st of June 2024 8 th Week Ordinary Time Saturday Jude 1:17, 20b-25 Meditation One constantly needs to build up confidence in oneself and God. One has to build himself or herself in faith and the Holy Spirit. Help those in doubt and strengthen them. Show mercy to those who need it. Have holy fear and detest every form of sin and evil. Teach and help each other to be blessed and sinless. Jesus is the one who keeps everyone standing in his presence of God without any fear. Jesus has made us blameless before God. He cancelled the sins of humanity by his death on the Cross. What a joy that Jesus has brought to each one of us. May the Lord be glorified now and forever. Our life has to be lived of praise and adoration forever and ever. Do you know our life is best on praising God? St Justine (Mem) Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb

The Feast of the Visitation of Our Blessed Virgin Mary

  8 th Week Ordinary Time Friday Zeph 3:14-18 Meditation   Human beings are under the weight of punishment and sins of one kind are the other. The Lord repeatedly assures humanity that their punishment will be removed and their sins are forgiven. It is something that every person should believe that Jesus came to cancel the sins of humanity. Yet it is hard to trust that Jesus came to forgive and save. Yet human beings find it difficult to forgive and forget their own wrongs.   Since the forgiveness and cancellation of sins and punishment are needed for the good of the humans and their good living and salvation; Jesus took the extreme step of dying like a criminal on the Cross. In this redemptive event, our Blessed Mother Mary played an active role. As we keep the feast of Visitation of our Blessed Mother Mary; let her visit us and bring us needed blessings in our homes and lives.   Do we permit the Blessed Mother to visit us? Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb

God Shared His Priesthood with Humanity in Christ

  8 th Week Ordinary Time Thursday     1 Pet 2 :2-5, 9-12 Meditation God created human beings with a great design to make them his own. He created them in his image and likeness. Due to pride, they lost their innocence, so God designed Plan B to save them. He put humans in a state of grace and holiness, but they lost their grace and dignity in human life. God sends his Son to save humans. He shared his life again with humanity by being born as a human, he taught them his love in word and deed and finally, he died for them on the Cross.   He shared his priesthood with humanity.  Now humans can offer sacrifice for their sins and the sins of others like Jesus by partaking in the Pascal mystery of Jesus. The saving action of Jesus is a way and model for humans to follow. Do we trust God has a plan of mercy for you and me? Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb


  8 th Week Ordinary Time Wednesday 1 Pet 1:18-25 Meditation Durable things like gold and silver are precious. They can be used to sell and buy valuable things. Gold and silver are valued by human beings, to procure things needed for human life. One should remember that even gold and silver are perishable and can’t get everything those human beings need. Gold and silver are so valuable can’t bring eternal life. Jesus through his passion, death, and resurrection has brought salvation to humanity. Eternal life is brought to us by Jesus. Jesus is our redeemer and saviour. Jesus is more valuable than gold, silver and all the world can offer. Everything will perish in the world but not the Word of God, the message of Jesus, and the saving action of Jesus. Do you believe Jesus is more valuable than Gold and silver? Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb


  8 th Week Ordinary Time Tuesday 1 Pet 1:10-16 Meditation In general, humans accept they are weak and fall into sin. There is a desire in humans to be good, perfect, and holy. The desire to be good and holy is in humans, so human beings can be blessed. It is possible to live a holy life. God helps us to be sacred and pure. God invites us to be united with him. It is God’s invitation to all humans without any expectation to be holy. He tells us to be blessed for he is holy. God created us for a purpose: to know him, love him, praise him, and be with him. Many of us think knowing our situation and that of others holiness is not possible and that it is impossible. One can live holy with the help of God and by cooperating with the design of God and accepting that one is human . Do I take care to be holy? Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb

Salvation is More Refined Than Gold

  8 th Week Ordinary Time Monday ( 1 Pet 1:3-9) Meditation The most durable material is gold, it is refined in the fire. Humans are the crown of creation, and their bodies join the earth. Jesus through his resurrection has given us hope to human beings and the hope is lasting that humans have eternal life. Our joy comes from the Lord who came to save us and lead us to the Father. God has given us faith in Jesus and our faith is a gift. We believe in the unseen God who leads us to reach our destination, heaven. Human beings are the most vulnerable, yet they possess strength beyond measure to rise above the negativity and evil and be united with the Divine. Let us be grateful to God for the Spirit he has put into us for life everlasting. Can you note an instance in which you often lose hope? Fr Putti Anthaiah SDB