Salvation is More Refined Than Gold

 8th Week Ordinary Time

Monday (1 Pet 1:3-9)


The most durable material is gold, it is refined in the fire. Humans are the crown of creation, and their bodies join the earth. Jesus through his resurrection has given us hope to human beings and the hope is lasting that humans have eternal life. Our joy comes from the Lord who came to save us and lead us to the Father.

God has given us faith in Jesus and our faith is a gift. We believe in the unseen God who leads us to reach our destination, heaven. Human beings are the most vulnerable, yet they possess strength beyond measure to rise above the negativity and evil and be united with the Divine. Let us be grateful to God for the Spirit he has put into us for life everlasting.

Can you note an instance in which you often lose hope?

Fr Putti Anthaiah SDB


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