The Feast of the Visitation of Our Blessed Virgin Mary


8th Week Ordinary Time


Zeph 3:14-18



Human beings are under the weight of punishment and sins of one kind are the other. The Lord repeatedly assures humanity that their punishment will be removed and their sins are forgiven. It is something that every person should believe that Jesus came to cancel the sins of humanity. Yet it is hard to trust that Jesus came to forgive and save. Yet human beings find it difficult to forgive and forget their own wrongs.


Since the forgiveness and cancellation of sins and punishment are needed for the good of the humans and their good living and salvation; Jesus took the extreme step of dying like a criminal on the Cross. In this redemptive event, our Blessed Mother Mary played an active role. As we keep the feast of Visitation of our Blessed Mother Mary; let her visit us and bring us needed blessings in our homes and lives.


Do we permit the Blessed Mother to visit us?

Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb


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