God Shared His Priesthood with Humanity in Christ


8th Week Ordinary Time


1 Pet 2:2-5, 9-12


God created human beings with a great design to make them his own. He created them in his image and likeness. Due to pride, they lost their innocence, so God designed Plan B to save them. He put humans in a state of grace and holiness, but they lost their grace and dignity in human life.

God sends his Son to save humans. He shared his life again with humanity by being born as a human, he taught them his love in word and deed and finally, he died for them on the Cross. He shared his priesthood with humanity. Now humans can offer sacrifice for their sins and the sins of others like Jesus by partaking in the Pascal mystery of Jesus. The saving action of Jesus is a way and model for humans to follow.

Do we trust God has a plan of mercy for you and me?

Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb


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