Be at the Service of the Holy Spirit


10th Week Ordinary Time


Acts 11:21-26; 13:1-3


Barnabas was sent to Antioch; he accompanied Paul; he preached the Word of God to the people and many followed the message of Christ. We notice that the Spirit of the Lord prompted them to set aside Barnabas and Paul for the ministry.  We realise God prepares Barnabas to take up the responsibility of a minister of the Word.

He was able to be the minister of the Lord for the Spirit of the Lord was upon him. The Spirit of the Lord blooms in us to the full if we cooperate with the designs of God. We have to allow the Spirit to work in us. We have to keep ourselves always ready to listen to the promptings of the Spirit. Let us learn from Barnabas to be available to the Spirit and do the will of God.

Are we available to the works of the Spirit of God?

Be at the Service of the Holy Spirit

St Barnabas Ap (Mem)

Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb


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