Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary


8th June 2024

9th Week Ordinary Time



On a happy occasion, everyone likes to come out with the best of their attire. Though life is momentary on this earth; one long and wishes blessings for oneself and one's generation. Life on earth gives the possibility of so many good things to enjoy and to have the continuation of the blessing of life for generations to come. There are hardships and trials in human life but comparing to the blessings and the good things one enjoys are much more. Life is better but life offers manifold ways to be sweet and joyful.

 Human beings speak of punishment for misdeeds and sins; God offers abundant blessings and grace for humanity for life eternal; for which Jesus' death on the Crosse is a clear sign. God’s mercy and goodness have no end and it never runs out. God offers many opportunities to make our hearts pure and holy. The immaculate heart of Mary keeps on loving us to make holy and happy. Mary is the model of purity and a heart full of love for God and for one another.

Do you know that the heart contains love without any malice?

The Immaculate Heart of Mary (Feast)

Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb


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