God's Law is Law of Love


4th June 2024

9th Week Ordinary Time


2 Pet 3:12-15a, 17-18


A time of destruction is bound to come in life and the world. One has to be prepared for such an eventuality. Not only to face them to avoid danger but to submit to God as holy and blameless before God, when the final call from this life comes. As we are aware we are not eternal on earth but waiting for life after death with God in the world to come which will have no end.

To prepare for eternal life would mean to guard oneself from unlawful life. God has given us the discerning spirit to know what is lawful and unlawful; what is good and what is bad; what is virtue and what is sinful. Let us take care not to indulge in evil and fall short of growing in virtue and goodness.

St Vincentia (Caterina) Gerosa

Do we follow the commandments of God?

Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb


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