Restitution and Restoration is Part of Repentance

18th June 2024

11th Week Ordinary Time


1Kings 21:17-29


God was furious at the greed of Ahab and Jezebel his wife. The Lord wants to punish them but at the humility of Ahab and the penance he undertook, the Lord assured the punishment will not be in his days but in the generations to come. God is just in punishing and rewarding.

Trespasses are to be punished and due reparation has to be done for purification and justification in the sight of God. One has to remember that due restitution had to be done to the harm caused to the weak and vulnerable. One has to take note and take responsibility for the damage done to innocent.

Are we aware that good repentance and renewal calls for restitution and restoration?

Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb


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