Return to the Lord


13th Week Ordinary Time

2 July 2024


Amos 3:1-8; 4:11-12


Return to the Lord

The Lord will take action against those who do not live by His Word. God created us in freedom and instead of making use of liberty well, they misuse freedom beyond their limits. The Lord repeatedly warns to take care not sin and do evil to others. The tendency and weakness of humans fail and they go astray. Blessed are those who returned to the Lord after a failure.

The Lord invites us to return to him. Return to him would be to leave our old ways and come back to him to serve him and one another in love. A transformed person is stronger than a lion in his character and witness to Christ. Such people make tangible contributions to the well-being of the community and the people in need.

Are we transformed people?

Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb


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