
Showing posts from August, 2024

The Way of the Lord is not Our Way.

  31 August 2024 21st Week Ordinary Time Saturday 1 Cor 1:26-31 Meditation The Way of the Lord is not Our Way. God calls those whom he wants and qualifies them. God does not choose people of the royal family. God loves us because we are his creation. He loves us for he created us in his image and likeness. Our birth and background do not matter to him. What matters to him is our love for him and our use of the freedom that he has given us. He loves the responsibility that we make use of it for our growth and the good of others. God surprise the proud by choosing what is weak and foolish in the world to shame the wise. God can raise a humble person to great status. It is not the worldly consideration that matters to him. The thinking of the Lord is different from those of the worldly people. It is through Jesus we are saved. We have salvation in Jesus who died on the Cross. If at all one boast let him boast of the Jesus who died on the Cross. What do we boast about? Fr

Powerless is Powerful in the Sight of God.

  30 August 2024 21 st Week Ordinary Time Friday 1 Cor 1:17-25 Meditation Powerless is Powerful in the Sight of God. God has a way of teaching humans about life eternal. God is omniscient and Omnipotent. Human beings share in the knowledge and power of God. The bigger, stronger and more powerful are considered in the world. The Lord does not need bigger and stronger and wiser people. He needs simple people. The truth and reality are not in the strength of people or those of the powerful. The truth and wisdom are in the most weak and powerless people. God’s wisdom and holiness are manifested in the simple and in those who are not considered by the world. David was able to kill a big person like Goliath. It was possible because the Lord was with David and Goliath died with the hit of a small stone. David became king and he ruled well. David sinned and the Lord brought him down and the humility of David taught him many things in his life. David prayed and prayed, sang and s

Get Yourself Ready!

  29 August 2024 21st Week Ordinary Time Thursday Jer 1:17-19 Meditation Get Yourself Ready! God’s invitation is to be ready. It may be warfare against the enemy or evil. In times of trouble and crises, one need not lose faith and hope.   One has to be strong and hope in the Lord. It is not we who govern life and the world. It is the Lord who leads and guides the world. As long as the Lord is with us we need not fear and be terrified. The enemy will fight and frighten us but one need not fear for the Lord is with us. He will rescue us. One has to fight against the enemy and evil but not worry about losing hope The Lord will come to our help. St John the Baptist has done his duty of preaching what is right and lawful. He fights against the existing evil of his time. As a result, he was put to death. The truth cannot be buried. The more we hide the truth and goodness it will come to light. Have faith and trust in the ways of the Lord. Truth and goodness will prevail over th

Earn the Food We Eat.

  28 August 2024 21st Week Ordinary Time Wednesday 2 Thess 3:6-10, 16-18 Meditation Earn the Food We Eat. All the birds and animals in the world earn their food by searching for it. They do not store food. The toil for it to fill themselves.    In the world, some human beings enjoy lot of good things without even working for them. It is not a surprise that there are people in this world who eat without work. Those who live without basic work for the welfare of others are harmful to society. Let everyone do some work or the other for their own good and the good of others. It is not below one’s dignity to earn one’s food and contribute to the welfare of others. All are not working on the farm to produce food. Different people do different types of work to make life in the world go on smoothly. Let everyone contribute to the well-being of society in the best way possible. Idleness is the workshop of the devil. The devil fears the hardworking people. Let one think before eati

Listen to Voice of the Spirit in Us.

  27 August 2024 21st Week Ordinary Time Tuesday 2 Thess 2:1-3, 14-17 Meditation   Listen to Voice of the Spirit in Us. Every age has false teachings that lead people astray. The Word of God is preached and revealed, and one has to be faithful to it and follow it and not be deceived and misled. St Paul tells the Thessalonians to be careful and live by the Word of God that has been communicated to them in different ways. In moments of wrong teaching be close to the person of Jesus encourage each other and live in good hope in the Lord by doing good deeds and recalling the Words of God. God has given us a gift to know between good and evil. The Lord has put into our hearts the Word of God and the message of God. The Spirit of God is constantly at work in us. One has to listen to the promptings of the Spirit of God in times of crises and misleading situations. Let us walk by the guidance of the Spirit who is living in us. Do we listen to our voice of the Spirit in moments

Thank God for others and Pray for them.

  26 August 2024 21st Week Ordinary Time Monday 2 Thess 1:1-5,11-12 Meditation Thank God for others and Pray for them.   St Paul thanks God for the brothers and sisters, and rightly so, because they were growing in faith more and more. The love they have for one another is on the increase. Therefore, there is perseverance and faith among God's churches in all the persecutions and trials and the people God are enduring. As a result, they are counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which they are suffering. St Paul prays for them so that they may be worthy of their calling, and they may live fruitful lives prompted by faith. St Paul promises further his prayers so their lives may be glorified in Christ Jesus. It is not only appreciation, which is important for the good of faith, but it is equally important to pray for those whom we love and wish their good. Prayer does wonders in one’s life and in the lives of others. Do we pray for other's good? Fr Putti Anth

God Builds the Church.

  24 August 2024 20 th Week Ordinary Time Saturday Rev 21:9-14 Meditation God Builds the Church. The city of Jerusalem is the seat of God.  Jerusalem is the  centre of God’s presence. The life of the people of Israel moves around the city of Jerusalem. An eternal city which is built and designed by God. We know well Jesus died in Jerusalem and sanctified it. Jerusalem is a chosen place of God on earth. Though Jerusalem is the chosen place for the spread of His Word, sacraments and the presence of God is made available in every place. Jesus is alive and he is among us. His presence is real in the Eucharist and in the gathering of the Church for prayer. The twelve tribes of Israel, twelve angels, twelve gates and twelve foundations of the city of Jerusalem show the call and preparation of the community of the Church built on the foundation of the twelve Apostles. The church is built and spread through the twelve Apostles. Today we have the Pope and Bishops, priests and eld

Dry Bones Come Alive.

  23 August 2024 20 th Week Ordinary Time Friday Ezek 37:1-14 Meditation Dry Bones Come Alive. Life can come from dry bones. At our death body decomposes and bones remain. Even bones become dust after some time. At the word of the Lord, the bones will come alive. We are dust and unto dust we return. Our faith lets us believe that our mortal bodies will be alive and take the form of glorious bodies. This is the promise of the Lord and he keeps it. The Lord says: My people, I am going to open your graves and bring you up from them; I will bring you back to the land of Israel. Then you, my people, will know that I am the Lord when I open your graves and bring you up from them. I will put my Spirit in you and you will live, and I will settle you in your land. Then you will know that I the Lord have spoken, and I have done it, declares the Lord ( Ezek 37:12-14). Can bones be alive? St Rose of Lima Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb

The Lord Comes to Save.

  22 August 2024 20 th Week Ordinary Time Thursday Isa 9:2-7 Meditation The Lord Comes to Save. The prophecy of Isaiah becomes true as the life of Jesus unfolds from birth to death. People were in great darkness, and they encountered light. The light is none other than Jesus himself. The prophet tells wonderful things about Jesus. For to us, a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.   There will be no end because of the greatness of his government and peace. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever (Is 9:6-7). Do you know that God promised his Son to Save us? Our Lady of Mother and Queen. Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb

I will Search for My Sheep.

  21 August 2024 20 th Week Ordinary Time Wednesday Ezek 34:1-11 Meditation I will Search for My Sheep. Shepherds guard the sheep. The shepherd walks in front of the sheep and the sheep follow him. Sheep are very faithful and trust the shepherd. As the sheep are delicate and tender animals they need special care. The good shepherd gives that care to his sheep. He not only feeds and lives on them but also cares for them. The shepherd's care for the sheep is equal to the care of his affairs and health. The Lord is the shepherd of Israel. The people of Israel lacked a good shepherd among them. He sends the prophets as their shepherds. As the sheep lacked good shepherds so too the people lacked good shepherd who could guard them and protect them. The people are scattered and attacked by evil ones.   The Lord himself will God search for his people and save them. God will not abandon his people. His love is like a good shepherd. Who are my shepherds? Pope St Pius X F

Pride wrecks life.

  20 th Week Ordinary Time Tuesday Ezek 28:1-10 Meditation Pride wrecks life. A warning to the rulers and those who are proud. Due to the wisdom, wealth and power, man can feel that he is a god. God indeed created humans little less than God. But humans are not gods. The feel of the human powers makes them believe they are gods. This is the root cause of destruction and pride; it makes them feel they are gods. At this pride they harm others and to themselves. They are created in the image of God but not equal to God. Due to the Pride of the king, the prophet prophesied against the king of Tyre. The above lesson can be applied to every person, everyone in power and rule. However great, strong and wise one may be one has to die. May be yet time a violent death in war. One may have died in the hands of foreigners and in the sea. Death and end of life which humans are bound to face should make us humble. God is the eternal one and we are mortals so keep the end in view and liv

Know that the Lord is Sovereign.

  19 August 2024 20 th Week Ordinary Time Monday Ezek 24:15-24 Meditation Know that the Lord is Sovereign. The Lord tells Ezekial that he will take away the delight from his sight. He would give times of trouble and hardships for the people of Israel. His own wife would die, and many others would be put to death. We do not keep God in mind in the time of delight. The Lord would send turbulent times then we think of him and call on him for help. The Lord tells Ezekiel not to mourn or weep and show any sign of honour for the dead. He tells him to keep your turbans on your head and your sandals on your feet. Then the people will know that the Lord is Sovereign. Yet we must recognise the reality of troubles and trust in the Lord. Lord will come to our aid. What do we do in times of trouble? St John Eudes Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb

Follow the Law of God

  17 August 2024 19 th Week Ordinary Time Saturday Ezekiel 18:1-10 Meditation Follow the Law of God. Sin causes harm to others. Sin makes one sick and leads to death. Everyone is invited to a righteous life. One may not be able to live without sin, but one can certainly work towards sanctifying oneself in holiness. All those who have gone astray must realise the wrong they have done and return to the right path. God gives his grace in our struggle to overcome evil and sin. As the scripture says: do right and just, do not be defiled, do not oppress, pay back your dues, be generous to others in food, clothing and shelter, do not exploit the poor unjustly, follow the law and let the law be practised for good. Those who follow the law of God, for love of God and love of others will be blessed and righteous in the sight of God. Do we keep the laws of God? Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb

God Made a Covenant with Humanity.

  16 August 2024 19 th Week Ordinary Time Friday Ezek 16:59-63 Meditation God Made a Covenant with Humanity. God loved Israel as a young girl and a woman. The woman (Israel) he loved was unfaithful. Human beings are in a way an unfaithful lot. The Lord teaches us faithfulness and commitment. This was the story of men/women and people in general. In today’s generation unfaithfulness is not a new story. As ever there is a lot of unfaithfulness and lack of commitment. Many do not keep their commitment and word. They move from person to person, job to job, value to value and the people have come to believe no steady value and job, policy and no permanent commitment. It is all convenience, gain and usefulness. We believe that the world is a flux and there is nothing permanent. Sad to see the world believes in change and does not believe that human beings are precious, and their lives are valuable. They believe in a valueless society only a utility-oriented attitude. God is

Mary Assumed into Heaven.

  15 August 2024 19 th Week Ordinary Time Thursday Rev 11:19-12:6,10 Meditation Mary Assumed into Heaven. A virgin birth is something impossible and only Divinely possible. Today the people of the AI generation do believe in the virgin birth. It is right and proper that God be born of a virgin. The woman is chosen and protected from original sin. The child to be born of her will rule the world. God becomes human through the mediation of women. God will protect the woman who gives birth to the Divine child. The mother who gives birth will be a privileged woman. She becomes the mother of the Divine child and the mother of God. The mother of God shares in the life of the Saviour and Redeemer. Her involvement is not over with the giving birth. She continues her mission, but her son wants her aid in his saving action. Jesus loved his mother and did not allow her body to be corrupted. He assumes her into heaven body and soul. Do we believe that we will be with God, Mother Ma

Be Worthy to be Marked by God.

  14 August 2024 19 th Week Ordinary Time Wednesday Ezek 9:1-7; 12:18-22 Meditation Be Worthy to be Marked by God. The Lord marks those whom he wants to save. The houses of Israel were marked with blood before the angel of the Lord passed over and killed the Egyptian firstborn and saved the Israel children. The Lord gives protection to those whom he chooses. Protection and care are made available in many ways. For nothing is impossible to God. Everything is in the control of God. Let everyone submit to him so the Lord’s protection may be with us. Those marked to save were those who grieve and lament over all the detestable things they have done. One of the prime ways to receive God’s mercy is to repent for the wrong one has done. Anyone can fail in living up to the expectations of God’s law but on a failure, one should show signs of grief and look forward to God’s mercy. Such persons are saved by the Church here on earth and in eternity. Do we grieve over the evil that

A Rebellious Heart.

  13 August 2024 19 th Week Ordinary Time Tuesday Ezek 2:8-34 Meditation A Rebellious Heart. Ezekiel was asked to eat the scroll of lament and mourning and woe. He was told not to be rebellious. We know well that the people of Israel were known for their rebellion against God.   Most people have rebellious attitudes. Fighting for rights and values of life is not a rebellion.   The rebellious people are proud, and they do not give due importance to people in authority. They also do not obey the laws and commandments of God. Ezekiel speaks the word of God to the people of Israel though it was an impossible task. The rebellious people are disgruntled not satisfied with life and with themselves. They find fault with others and with systems. A person needs certain humility and willpower to work along with the existing system and to bring about renewal and transformation. Dashing out without thought and action is not working for transformation. One has to be well grounded and

Listen to the Voice of God.

  12 August 2024 19 th Week Ordinary Time Monday Ezek 1:2-28 Mediation   Listen to the Voice of God. Ezekiel had a vision of God. He saw God’s glory. The Lord does give visions to his beloved people. In the times of old God used to guide the people through the visions. The visions do come to holy men/women. The visions are for a purpose. They are to reveal the glory of God. Visions are for the transformation of people and to bring about renewal in society and among the people. Sometimes people speak of visions and frighten them. Visions are to help and not to destroy. One has to listen to the holy men/women and follow the message for positive change. Let one not be carried away by the visions to harm oneself and others. Visions of God manifest the glory of God and bring a message for the good of people. Ezekiel is given the vision to move forward in the mission given to him among the people of Israel. Do we seek in visions the Glory of God or one’s glory? St Francis

God Loves a Cheerful Giver.

  10 August 2024 18 th Week Ordinary Time Saturday 2 Cor 9:6-10 2 Corinthians 9:6-10 Meditation God Loves a Cheerful Giver. God is generous. God only gives and gives without counting the cost. God does not expect anything in return from humans. God gives his love to us. God loves us out of his goodness. God is so good that he cannot but love humans. God’s goodness overflows into the world and the lives of humans. God is happy at the good pleasure of human beings. God wishes for the well-being of human beings and makes them all for their own good. He put everything in their control. Humans are made as the crown of creation. Blessed are those who are generous to the poor and need for they will not lack anything. God blesses those who give with limitless riches. Those who give grudgingly will not merit the blessing of the Lord. Those who give joyfully will be blessed much. Those who share and care are blessed people and a blessing to humanity. Those with such qualities sh

Blessed are the Messengers of God.

  9 August 2024 18 th Week Ordinary Time Friday Nah 1:15; 2:2; 3:1-3, 6-7 Meditation Blessed are the Messengers of God. Blessed are those who bring the Good News. The Good News is the message of God. People who bring good news have to walk for a long distance. In the olden days, there was no existing transportation. The number of visitors was rare, and the news reached very late. The messengers of God pass the places of the people one’s awhile as they move from place to place. In olden days, the messengers’ legs are washed in some places as a sign of honour and respect. The messengers bring the assurance of God. The Lord will restore his people. However, the enemies keep the land as waste and ruin the vine. There is always destruction and devastation in the kingdoms and the nations. The Lord in his goodness restores to its original state. The Lord is kind and merciful. Let us wait and desire for his good time. The Lord wishes to see his people in a good state and happy.

God Makes a New Covenant with Humanity.

  8 August 2024 18 th Week Ordinary Time Thursday Jer 31:31-34 Meditation God Makes a New Covenant with Humanity. The Lord tells us that he will make a new covenant with humanity. The old convent confirms the new covenant. The Lord protected Israel and led them out of Egypt through his covenant to the promised land. God has made us his people and Him as our God. We are God’s people, and God is our Father we belong to him. The new covenant is the covenant of blood made on the cross by Jesus. The Lord has put his word into our hearts. The people will know God and need not be told by others about the Divine. He will put his word into their hearts. The law of the Lord will teach about God. Law is not to punish but to forgive. The Lord will forgive the wicked and not remember their sins. Are we faithful to God and his Word? St Dominic Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb

God’s Love is Everlasting.

  7 August 2024 18 th Week Ordinary Time Wednesday Jer 31:1-7 Meditation God’s Love is Everlasting. God says, ‘I have loved you with everlasting love.’ God’s love for his people is everlasting. God comes to aid at all times. God’s love is not temporary. God’s love does not depend upon our good and bad actions. God does not change. God is constant. God is not like human beings fickle-minded. God is not like a moody person who lives his/her life according to vims and fancies. God is constant and steady. God is in control of everything. God is not moved and disturbed by the evil ways of human persons. He is like a shepherd who is ever on guard to take care. His love lasts from age to age. His love cannot be described. He looks for the overall good of the person. God trusts in human goodness and their return to him. He waits for them patiently. He gives them freedom and the God-given freedom will make the humans utilize it well. It takes time and means to overcome hardships

Transfiguration of Our Lord.

  6 August 2024 18 th h Week Ordinary Time Tuesday Dan 7:9-10,13-14 Meditation God is depicted as an elderly man with long and white hair. The elderly are known for wisdom, kindness, understanding and goodness. The elderly know everything about life and the way the season goes. They have wisdom of life and life has taught them many things. God is an elderly person who cares for humanity. God is like a king who has authority. A king sits on the majestic chair and the chair has powers, the chair on which God sits is depicted with fire all around. Fire burns and gives light only God can exit and face the fire. God is light and he radiates light to the world. Humans live in the dark because they are slaves to sin and the devil. The light of God shuns the darkness and brings life and light into the lives of people. God brings to mind the ancient days. Son man will come on a cloud of heaven. “He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all nations and peoples of every lan

The False Prophet Hananiah

  5 August 2024 18 th Week Ordinary Time Monday Jer 28:1-17 The False Prophet Hananiah Hananiah is a false prophet who makes false prophecies. He says he will break the yoke of the king of Nebuchadnezzar. As a sign, he breaks the wood yoke around Jeremiah's neck. Jeremiah wore the wooden yoke as a sign that the people of Juda would be under captivity and slavery in Babylon. Jeremiah was the true prophet of God. Prophet Jeremiah confronts the false prophet Hananiah. Every true prophet speaks of peace and the reign of God and not disaster and war. Jeremiah says the Lord is going to hang an iron yoke around the necks of people and nations and they serve the King of Babylon. Jeremiah confronts Hananiah the false prophet and speaks the prophecies that were communicated to him. Let us speak and work for peace and kindness that builds up and unites despite our fragilities and unworthiness rather than work against the spirit of God for disunity and violence. Prophet Jeremiah w

Let Us Reform Our Ways!

  3rd August 2024 17 th Week Ordinary Time Saturday Jer 26:11-16, 24 Let Us Reform Our Ways! Priests and prophets want to put an end to Jeremiah. Jeremiah says I have spoken the Word of God to you; if you wish to put me to death you may do but you will be guilty of innocent blood. Priests and people were taken up by Jeremiah's genuine way of presenting himself to the people. They have decided to let him live. They took the warning of Jeremiah well and they considered his message.  M ost of us misunderstand and underestimate the good people and the people who have  truth and message. It can happen to anyone that they are in darkness and not able to find the good in genuine people. The good people do not know how to be attractive and deceitful. Let us consider the good in everyone, especially in the simple, powerless and poor. Pray that we see the message of truth from the poor for they have the riches of the truth and wisdom. In what way we can reform our lives? Fr Putt

Let us Seek Guidance from Others

  17 th Week Ordinary Time Friday Let us Seek Guidance from Others Jer 26:1-9 Meditation The message of the Lord comes to human beings in varied ways. The message does not come in abstract form. Most people are not able to listen to and understand the message of God. They are immersed in their world of passions and evils. In such a situation they lose the message of the Lord. What could we do not make the same mistake as our ancestors? The best care we could take in times of trouble is to listen to someone close to us. Simple people may not have all the wisdom to guide us. They may not be educated, qualified and gifted but they will have the basic sense to tell the person in trouble to do what is right. Let us look for people to support us in times of trouble. Do we take the little confusion to others for clarification?   Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb