Be Worthy to be Marked by God.


14 August 2024

19th Week Ordinary Time


Ezek 9:1-7; 12:18-22


Be Worthy to be Marked by God.

The Lord marks those whom he wants to save. The houses of Israel were marked with blood before the angel of the Lord passed over and killed the Egyptian firstborn and saved the Israel children. The Lord gives protection to those whom he chooses. Protection and care are made available in many ways. For nothing is impossible to God. Everything is in the control of God. Let everyone submit to him so the Lord’s protection may be with us.

Those marked to save were those who grieve and lament over all the detestable things they have done. One of the prime ways to receive God’s mercy is to repent for the wrong one has done. Anyone can fail in living up to the expectations of God’s law but on a failure, one should show signs of grief and look forward to God’s mercy. Such persons are saved by the Church here on earth and in eternity.

Do we grieve over the evil that we have done?

St Maximilian Maria Kolbe

Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb


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