Pride wrecks life.


20th Week Ordinary Time


Ezek 28:1-10


Pride wrecks life.

A warning to the rulers and those who are proud. Due to the wisdom, wealth and power, man can feel that he is a god. God indeed created humans little less than God. But humans are not gods. The feel of the human powers makes them believe they are gods. This is the root cause of destruction and pride; it makes them feel they are gods. At this pride they harm others and to themselves. They are created in the image of God but not equal to God. Due to the Pride of the king, the prophet prophesied against the king of Tyre.

The above lesson can be applied to every person, everyone in power and rule. However great, strong and wise one may be one has to die. May be yet time a violent death in war. One may have died in the hands of foreigners and in the sea. Death and end of life which humans are bound to face should make us humble. God is the eternal one and we are mortals so keep the end in view and live a life worthy of our calling.

Do we think of our end?

St Bernard

Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb


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