God Reveals His Messages to His Servants.


7 October

27th Week Ordinary Time


Gal 1:6-12


God Reveals His Messages to His Servants.

St Paul instructs the people of Galatia not to be confused about the teaching of Jesus and the gospel preached. There are always people with different opinions and philosophies of religion and the gospels that are not of Christ. God has given us the grace to preach Christ and Christ alone. Jesus is the Saviour. The one who teaches others that the untrue gospel is under the weight of the curse. Let us teach and preach Christ Crucified and Risen to give eternal life.

The preaching and teaching of the gospel is not for approval, name and fame but to please God and not humans. The genuine preacher's origin of instruction is not of the human but of the Divine. In the case of St Paul, it was not his eloquence that was preached but the Christ's grace which used him to build the church. Let us check and take care not to preach of human knowledge but God’s revelation.

Do we depend upon the revelation of God.?

Our Lady of Rosary

Fr Putti Antaiah Sdb


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