True Conversion Takes Time


8 October 2024

27thWeek Ordinary Time


Gal 1:13-24


True Conversion Takes Time

After the conversion of Saul to Paul, he went to the Arabian desert for three years to pray and be instructed. There may not be overnight transformation in persons of different ranks. Every conversion has to be strengthened and sustained by prayer, reflection, and purification and then only taken up into action. Action without thought and inner strength will not bear fruit or such actions will not last long. St Paul after his conversion had spent considerable time in inner transformation.

As St Paul began his public ministry the people in Jude were saying that the one who persecuted the church was instructing the people. The believers praised God for him and the marvellous of the Lord. They were happy about his works and preaching. Let us preach Christ despite our hardships and trials.

Do we have the patience to grow in the grace of God?

Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb


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