Authority and Obedience to God are Connected


27 June 2024

12th Week Ordinary Time


2 King 24:8-17


Authority and Obedience to God are Connected

Jehoiachin was made king at the age of eighteen years. He did not obey the Word of God. King Nebuchadnezzar overthrew him. He was taken as a captive to Babylon along with all his servers. His uncle was made king in his place. He served in Babylon as a servant of the King. He came to Juda and was a vassal to the King. The way to have earthly authority is to obey God.

The Lord wants from humans, not success and achievement. He wants us to be faithful and committed to the Word of God and follow God's Word diligently. To listen to the Word of God and put it into practice one has to let himself/herself be attentive to the prompting of the Word of God by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Let the Holy Spirit guide in put into practice what was willed by God for us.

Do we have the habit of reading the Word of God?

Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb


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