Have Healthy Spiritual Attachments


19th June 2024

11th Week Ordinary Time



Elijah and Elisha's relationship is very much needed in our context, too. We need friends, companions, guides, directors and spiritual directors. It is a fact in the world today; that each one guides and leads himself/herself. We have Google and AI to guide us. These search engines and machine learning are perfect and excellent but in day-to-day life and especially in spiritual life, one needs spiritual friends, spiritual guides and leaders.

The relationship between Elijah and Elisha is a spiritual friendship and spiritual guidance. Elijah chooses Elisha. He decided to stay with him and go along with Elijah. Elisha develops a healthy attachment to Elijah and requests him to bless him to be his double. This wish of Elisha is granted and, on the way, back Elisha divides the river Jordan like Elijah.

Do you have a healthy Spiritual attachment with someone?

Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb


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