In Jesus, we have life, life to the full.


6th June 2024

9th Week Ordinary Time


2 Tim 2:8-15


Believing that Jesus died for you and me is the greatest confession of faith and healing remedy for many human problems. It is a remedy and medicine for every problem of the human person. Faith in passion, death and resurrection completes the cycle of untold agony of human beings to an end. One has to believe in this remedy event and work towards building one’s life according to the principles of the Pascal Mystery of Christ and live by the values that manifest to us.

Paul understood the mystery of Christ to the maximum and gave his life for the gospel and he worked for the establishment of the Kingdom of Christ. He made every effort that was possible to peach and build the body of Christ. He was even chained as a criminal for the sake of Christ and his message. Let us trust that we may not be faithful to God, but God is faithful. If we die with him, we will live with him. In Him, we have life, life to the full.

Do you know that God is faithful even if we are not faithful to him?

St Norbert

Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb


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