Keep God's Laws and Praise Him and You will be Acceptable


22nd June 2024

11th Week Ordinary Time


2 Chron 24:17-25


Zechariah son of Jehoiada the priest spoke God’s word to the people but they did not pay heed. They killed him without even recognising the good his father Zechariah had done. Time and again the generations of people of God harden their hearts to the ways of God. God in his just anger punishes Israel, so that they may know their creator and follow the commandment of God.

If one can praise God and keep the laws of God, he/she is acceptable to the Lord; if not one may have to face the wrath of God. Even the son of priest Jehoiada was killed in the bed by the Aramean army. The rejection of God and his ways leads us into difficulties in this world and as well in the spiritual life. One has to learn time and again to be faithful to God and live by his commandments of God.

Do we follow God’s laws due to fear or out of love for God?

Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb


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