Ponder Over the Word of God


26 June 2024

12th Week Ordinary Time


2 Kings 22:8-13, 23:1-3


Ponder Over the Word of God

Hilkiah was the high priest of the Temple of Jerusalem.  He was the high priest of the Temple of Jerusalem during the rule of King Josiah of Judah (639-609 BC). The Book of the Law was discovered and read in the presence of the King. The King was moved by the Word of God and wanted to find out more about its facts. Then the King makes arrangements for reform and renewal of nations and people.

The Word of God is powerful and alive. It can move the Kings and authorities to good action. The way to know the Word of God is to read it. It is not enough to read the Word of God but, if possible, learn some passages by heart and recall them time and again. The recalling of the Word of God and pondering over it is one of the best forms of prayer. Such a pondering over the Word of God brings about true transformation in one’s life.

What does the Word of God have done in our life?

Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb


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