Prepare the Young Leaders


20th June 2024

11th Week Ordinary Time


Sir 48:1-14

Elijah had lived great and was taken up to heaven in the chariot of fire. He was a great leader, and guide to Elisha. Even Elisha has done great things in his life. One great leader leaves behind many leaders. It is not name, fame and wealth that one has to leave behind to show his/her worth but a good legacy of leadership.

Today the world requires many spiritual leaders who could guide us on the right path. Each one has to by our word and deed, prepare leaders for coming generations. If there are no men/women prepared to face the challenges of the world, it will be hard for the human life. Let us take this as a challenge to be generous and committed to preparing good spiritual leaders and guides.

Do I give a chance to young leaders to take up responsibility?

Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb


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