Sacred Heart of Jesus (Sol)

 7th June 2024

9th Week Ordinary Time


Hos 11: 1, 3-4, 8c-9


A mother who brings up a child has great joy and contentment. The mother who cares for the child develops a genuine love and relationship with the child. The love and care of the mother become part and parcel of a child. The child has life and purpose in life depending upon the love and care given by the mother. Every mother is good enough to care for her child with love and sacrifice. Mothers are goddesses on earth and the embodiment of God himself on earth. 

God’s love can be best compared to the love of a mother. Mother only knows to give and forgive and wish for the good of her child. The sacrifices of a mother and the heart of a mother are just like the heart of God. The love of the heart of God is manifested in the love of Jesus on the Cross. The love of Jesus is manifested through his Sacred Heart. The heart of Jesus is burning with love for every one of us. Let us learn from the heart of Jesus for he is meek and humble of heart.

Do we trust in the unconditional love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus?

Sacred Heart of Jesus (Sol)

Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb


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