The Spirit of God Gives Gifts of Grace


5th of June 2024

9th Week Ordinary Time


2 Tim 1:1-3,6-12


The best way to show love and respect to someone is to pray for them. Paul promises prayers for Timothy. Paul says the spirit of God will not make one timid but gives power, self-discipline and love. God gives us grace through Jesus. The grace of God leads on the right path. Blessed are those who make use of the grace of God for good.

The grace of God enables us to preach and teach the gospel. The gospel is the good news that Jesus came to save humanity from their sins. It is the grace of God that makes us teachers, preachers and apostles of the gospel. Everyone is called to proclaim the goodness of the kingdom of God. It is a challenge to live by the Good News that we preach and proclaim in our lives.

Do we have the desire to follow what we preach and teach?

Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb


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