We are Fashioned in Freedom


24th June 2024

12th Week Ordinary Time


Isa 49:1-6


Is it possible that we are fashioned in the mother's womb? Is it possible that we are destined for good or bad while in the mother's womb?  Being formed in the mother's womb as a human person, spiritual person and destination for good takes place in the mother's womb. The destination of the human person is not negativity but the freedom of the child of God. No mother wishes to have a child who would become evil.

All mothers long and dream that their child will be a great king/queen and hero/heroin, and even they would be great men/women of God. In like manner, the wish of God for a child is for a bright future with a lot of possibilities of life. It was something similar in the case of the birth of St John the Baptist. Mary was present at the birth of St John Baptist, and she cared for him initial days long with St Elizabeth. John the Baptist was destined to be the greatest Prophet. His birth is the end of the old era and the beginning of the new era in Jesus.  

Are we aware God created us with the freedom to be his child?

Nativity of St John the Baptist (Sol)

Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb


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