What Do We Do with Greed!


17th June 2024

11th Week Ordinary Time


1 Kings 21:1-16


King Ahab wanted the vineyard of Naboth for himself; Naboth does not want to part with it; Queen Jezebel through false accusation and use of power gets him stoned to death. On the death of Naboth, King Ahab receives possession of the vineyard close to his home. It is an interesting sad story of Naboth's death and the King's fulfilment of the possession of the vineyard.

Greed can take to any extent, even terminating the lives of people. Greed is one of the vices that one should overcome to grow closer to God and one another. Desire for things and people to be normal but to have it too much and to the end of harming them and ending their lives is a sin. Such sinner will have to pay for their greed. Uncontrolled greed can cause pain to oneself and others.

Are we aware of our greed for possession?

Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb


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