9 September 2024

23rd Week Ordinary Time


1 Cor 5:1-8


Lord Wishes to Save Us.

There are many ways of sexual deviations among the people. St Paul warns a man sleeping with his father’s wife. He communicates to the community to take care of him and that he overcomes his desires of the flesh and that his spirit may be saved on the day of the Lord. St Paul does not condemn him but wishes for his renewal and he may be saved on the day of the Lord. Every kind of weakness and temptation may pass and overcome the evil inclinations with the grace of God.

God gives grace and means to all those who struggle and make an effort to live good lives. To live in the Lord, a holy and blameless one has to let the old pass and move to the new. One has to give up the old ways that are not helpful and welcome new means and new ways to live in the Lord. The Lord will provide opportunities and means to live a life worthy of him. Let us be humble and take up every weakness and failure as human beings who require God’s grace.

Are we aware of the possibility of means of Grace?

St Peter Claver

Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb


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