Contemplation on the Mystery of the Cross is the Most Beneficial.


14 September 2024

23rd Week Ordinary Time


Num 21:4-9


Contemplation on the Mystery of the Cross is the Most Beneficial.

The best and most profitable and most fruitful mediation is on the Cross. Jesus' passion, death and resurrection synthesize our faith and means of salvation. The one who has learned to meditate on the cross has learned the way of the Lord. For the Lord has chosen the cross to bring salvation. One may think it is not useful to think about the passion of our Lord. The cross is a sign of failure.

Only the criminals are killed on the cross. To die on the try is a curse. It is what cures have come to remove the curse of humanity. It was the eating of the fruit of the tree that brought sin into the world and the Jesus death on the cross brought life and eternal life. Let us learn to love the Cross, take the path of the Crucifixion, and gain life for us and others. Carry the cross and it will remove all our obstacles in the world and to eternal life. The best lesson and message that Jesus has given is from the Cross.

Do we carry our daily Cross?

The Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb


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