God’s Ways are Wonderful.


26th Week Ordinary Time

4 October 2024


God’s Ways are Wonderful.

God poses many questions about the wonder of the world to Job to make him realise that he is not in control of the world and its ways. Anyone who observes the world and wonders; trusts that there is a force in control of everything. We believers call it God. God has power over nature and human beings. How nice to know that God is there to regulate the world and its movements.

On Knowing the power and God’s purpose in this world and for humans; Job submits to God and his ways. God wishes only good for the creation and the humans. Job suffered immensely but knowing the power of God and the purpose of God for him; Job surrenders himself to God. He decides not to express anything against God but accepts God’s plan for him.

Do we surrender ourselves to God?

St Francis of Assisi

Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb


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