
Dreams Come True in Real Life

 29 June 2024 12th Week Ordinary Time Act 12:1-11 Meditation Peter was imprisoned and led out of the prison by the angel. Peter thought it was a dream but only when he was outside the prison and at daybreak, he realised that he was led out of prison by the hand of God. Peter could not believe but God's hand was with him.  We do dream about many things of our interests and mission. Sometimes we see the dream exactly happening during the day. Dreams becoming true is nothing special but takes time. We dream about many things in life, events, people and Divine things. They happen in life if we faithfully plan and plan for the love of God and the good of others.  Ss Peter and Paul (Sol)  Do we offer our dreams and plans to God?  Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb

Weakness and Simplicity can be Blessing

  28 Ju ne 2024 12 th Week Ordinary Time Friday 2 Kings 25:1-12 Meditation Weakness and Simplicity can be Blessing! During King Zedekiah’s reign, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came and sieged Jerusalem. There was destruction, famine, and captivity in Babylon. The sons of Zedekiah were killed. After a few years, King Nebuchadnezzar sends Nebuzaradan his commander of the imperial guard, an official to Jerusalem. He destroys all that is worthwhile and sets fire. But the commander left behind some of the poorest people of the land to work the vineyards and fields. All those who are able are taken away or killed and the property is destroyed beyond use. The city of Jerusalem was destroyed, and it was a sad event to recall in the lives of people. The commander left the poor and those who were farming. They did not harm the poor and lowly and those who are doing farming. It happens that strong are destroyed, made use of and the apparently weak are left behind safely. Are we aw

Authority and Obedience to God are Connected

  27 June 2024 12 th Week Ordinary Time Thursday 2 King 24:8-17 Meditation Authority and Obedience to God are Connected Jehoiachin was made king at the age of eighteen years. He did not obey the Word of God. King Nebuchadnezzar overthrew him. He was taken as a captive to Babylon along with all his servers. His uncle was made king in his place. He served in Babylon as a servant of the King. He came to Juda and was a vassal to the King. The way to have earthly authority is to obey God. The Lord wants from humans, not success and achievement. He wants us to be faithful and committed to the Word of God and follow God's Word diligently. To listen to the Word of God and put it into practice one has to let himself/herself be attentive to the prompting of the Word of God by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Let the Holy Spirit guide in put into practice what was willed by God for us. Do we have the habit of reading the Word of God? Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb

Ponder Over the Word of God

  26 June 2024 12 th Week Ordinary Time Wednesday 2 Kings 22:8-13, 23:1-3 Meditation Ponder Over the Word of God Hilkiah was the high priest of the Temple of Jerusalem.   He was the high priest of the Temple of Jerusalem during the rule of King Josiah of Judah (639-609 BC). The Book of the Law was discovered and read in the presence of the King. The King was moved by the Word of God and wanted to find out more about its facts. Then the King makes arrangements for reform and renewal of nations and people. The Word of God is powerful and alive. It can move the Kings and authorities to good action. The way to know the Word of God is to read it. It is not enough to read the Word of God but, if possible, learn some passages by heart and recall them time and again. The recalling of the Word of God and pondering over it is one of the best forms of prayer. Such a pondering over the Word of God brings about true transformation in one’s life. What does the Word of God have done in

God is Our Guardian

  25 June 2024 12 th Week Ordinary Time Tuesday 2 Kings 19:9-36 Meditation God is Our Guardian King Sennacherib was Assyrian King. He waged wars against Babylon and the Hebrew kingdom of Judah. He was very much involved in building the city of Nineveh. He troubled King Hezekiah. King Hezekiah prayed and believed that King Sennacherib was not in charge of them but God. The King Sennacherib was put to death by his son (2 Kings 19:37; 2 Chr. 32:21). God sent the prophet Isaiah and learned about him from King Hezekiah. Prophet Isaiah speaks about his downfall.   God blesses each one with abilities to build the kingdom of God, at least to be good, to do good and to be happy in life. Human beings take everything into their control destroy others and as a consequence harm themselves. Let us learn to accept that God is our creator, and we are his creatures and submit to his care and love. Do we give priority to God or ourselves? Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb

We are Fashioned in Freedom

  24 th June 2024 12 th Week Ordinary Time Monday Isa 49:1-6 Meditation Is it possible that we are fashioned in the mother's womb? Is it possible that we are destined for good or bad while in the mother's womb?   Being formed in the mother's womb as a human person, spiritual person and destination for good takes place in the mother's womb. The destination of the human person is not negativity but the freedom of the child of God. No mother wishes to have a child who would become evil. All mothers long and dream that their child will be a great king/queen and hero/heroin, and even they would be great men/women of God. In like manner, the wish of God for a child is for a bright future with a lot of possibilities of life. It was something similar in the case of the birth of St John the Baptist. Mary was present at the birth of St John Baptist, and she cared for him initial days long with St Elizabeth. John the Baptist was destined to be the greatest Prophet. H

Keep God's Laws and Praise Him and You will be Acceptable

  22 nd June 2024 11 th Week Ordinary Time Saturday 2 Chron 24:17-25 Meditation Zechariah son of Jehoiada the priest spoke God’s word to the people but they did not pay heed. They killed him without even recognising the good his father Zechariah had done. Time and again the generations of people of God harden their hearts to the ways of God. God in his just anger punishes Israel, so that they may know their creator and follow the commandment of God. If one can praise God and keep the laws of God, he/she is acceptable to the Lord; if not one may have to face the wrath of God. Even the son of priest Jehoiada was killed in the bed by the Aramean army. The rejection of God and his ways leads us into difficulties in this world and as well in the spiritual life. One has to learn time and again to be faithful to God and live by his commandments of God. Do we follow God’s laws due to fear or out of love for God? Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb