
Showing posts from June, 2024

Dreams Come True in Real Life

 29 June 2024 12th Week Ordinary Time Act 12:1-11 Meditation Peter was imprisoned and led out of the prison by the angel. Peter thought it was a dream but only when he was outside the prison and at daybreak, he realised that he was led out of prison by the hand of God. Peter could not believe but God's hand was with him.  We do dream about many things of our interests and mission. Sometimes we see the dream exactly happening during the day. Dreams becoming true is nothing special but takes time. We dream about many things in life, events, people and Divine things. They happen in life if we faithfully plan and plan for the love of God and the good of others.  Ss Peter and Paul (Sol)  Do we offer our dreams and plans to God?  Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb

Weakness and Simplicity can be Blessing

  28 Ju ne 2024 12 th Week Ordinary Time Friday 2 Kings 25:1-12 Meditation Weakness and Simplicity can be Blessing! During King Zedekiah’s reign, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came and sieged Jerusalem. There was destruction, famine, and captivity in Babylon. The sons of Zedekiah were killed. After a few years, King Nebuchadnezzar sends Nebuzaradan his commander of the imperial guard, an official to Jerusalem. He destroys all that is worthwhile and sets fire. But the commander left behind some of the poorest people of the land to work the vineyards and fields. All those who are able are taken away or killed and the property is destroyed beyond use. The city of Jerusalem was destroyed, and it was a sad event to recall in the lives of people. The commander left the poor and those who were farming. They did not harm the poor and lowly and those who are doing farming. It happens that strong are destroyed, made use of and the apparently weak are left behind safely. Are we aw

Authority and Obedience to God are Connected

  27 June 2024 12 th Week Ordinary Time Thursday 2 King 24:8-17 Meditation Authority and Obedience to God are Connected Jehoiachin was made king at the age of eighteen years. He did not obey the Word of God. King Nebuchadnezzar overthrew him. He was taken as a captive to Babylon along with all his servers. His uncle was made king in his place. He served in Babylon as a servant of the King. He came to Juda and was a vassal to the King. The way to have earthly authority is to obey God. The Lord wants from humans, not success and achievement. He wants us to be faithful and committed to the Word of God and follow God's Word diligently. To listen to the Word of God and put it into practice one has to let himself/herself be attentive to the prompting of the Word of God by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Let the Holy Spirit guide in put into practice what was willed by God for us. Do we have the habit of reading the Word of God? Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb

Ponder Over the Word of God

  26 June 2024 12 th Week Ordinary Time Wednesday 2 Kings 22:8-13, 23:1-3 Meditation Ponder Over the Word of God Hilkiah was the high priest of the Temple of Jerusalem.   He was the high priest of the Temple of Jerusalem during the rule of King Josiah of Judah (639-609 BC). The Book of the Law was discovered and read in the presence of the King. The King was moved by the Word of God and wanted to find out more about its facts. Then the King makes arrangements for reform and renewal of nations and people. The Word of God is powerful and alive. It can move the Kings and authorities to good action. The way to know the Word of God is to read it. It is not enough to read the Word of God but, if possible, learn some passages by heart and recall them time and again. The recalling of the Word of God and pondering over it is one of the best forms of prayer. Such a pondering over the Word of God brings about true transformation in one’s life. What does the Word of God have done in

God is Our Guardian

  25 June 2024 12 th Week Ordinary Time Tuesday 2 Kings 19:9-36 Meditation God is Our Guardian King Sennacherib was Assyrian King. He waged wars against Babylon and the Hebrew kingdom of Judah. He was very much involved in building the city of Nineveh. He troubled King Hezekiah. King Hezekiah prayed and believed that King Sennacherib was not in charge of them but God. The King Sennacherib was put to death by his son (2 Kings 19:37; 2 Chr. 32:21). God sent the prophet Isaiah and learned about him from King Hezekiah. Prophet Isaiah speaks about his downfall.   God blesses each one with abilities to build the kingdom of God, at least to be good, to do good and to be happy in life. Human beings take everything into their control destroy others and as a consequence harm themselves. Let us learn to accept that God is our creator, and we are his creatures and submit to his care and love. Do we give priority to God or ourselves? Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb

We are Fashioned in Freedom

  24 th June 2024 12 th Week Ordinary Time Monday Isa 49:1-6 Meditation Is it possible that we are fashioned in the mother's womb? Is it possible that we are destined for good or bad while in the mother's womb?   Being formed in the mother's womb as a human person, spiritual person and destination for good takes place in the mother's womb. The destination of the human person is not negativity but the freedom of the child of God. No mother wishes to have a child who would become evil. All mothers long and dream that their child will be a great king/queen and hero/heroin, and even they would be great men/women of God. In like manner, the wish of God for a child is for a bright future with a lot of possibilities of life. It was something similar in the case of the birth of St John the Baptist. Mary was present at the birth of St John Baptist, and she cared for him initial days long with St Elizabeth. John the Baptist was destined to be the greatest Prophet. H

Keep God's Laws and Praise Him and You will be Acceptable

  22 nd June 2024 11 th Week Ordinary Time Saturday 2 Chron 24:17-25 Meditation Zechariah son of Jehoiada the priest spoke God’s word to the people but they did not pay heed. They killed him without even recognising the good his father Zechariah had done. Time and again the generations of people of God harden their hearts to the ways of God. God in his just anger punishes Israel, so that they may know their creator and follow the commandment of God. If one can praise God and keep the laws of God, he/she is acceptable to the Lord; if not one may have to face the wrath of God. Even the son of priest Jehoiada was killed in the bed by the Aramean army. The rejection of God and his ways leads us into difficulties in this world and as well in the spiritual life. One has to learn time and again to be faithful to God and live by his commandments of God. Do we follow God’s laws due to fear or out of love for God? Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb

Good to Keep the Commands of the Lord

  21 st June 2024 11 th Week Ordinary Time Friday 2 King11: 1-4,9,18-20 Meditation Athaliah was the daughter of Ahab and Jezebel and the wife of Jeham, the king of Judah. At the death of her son, Ahaziah she ruled the kingdom for seven years. She killed the entire royal family member except Joash. Even Athaliah gets killed in the palace and people are calm and happy. Joash became king at the age of seven. He ruled Jerusalem for forty years.   Joash followed the commands of the Lord and did what was right in the sight of God. He was faithful to God ; people were unfaithful to the Lord. King Joash listened to Jehoiada. Jehoiada was a guide and support in his life decisions and even in choosing his life partners. Are we aware that blessed are those who follow the commands of God? Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb

Prepare the Young Leaders

  20 th June 2024 11 th Week Ordinary Time Thursday Sir 48:1-14 Elijah had lived great and was taken up to heaven in the chariot of fire. He was a great leader, and guide to Elisha. Even Elisha has done great things in his life. One great leader leaves behind many leaders. It is not name, fame and wealth that one has to leave behind to show his/her worth but a good legacy of leadership. Today the world requires many spiritual leaders who could guide us on the right path. Each one has to by our word and deed, prepare leaders for coming generations. If there are no men/women prepared to face the challenges of the world, it will be hard for the human life. Let us take this as a challenge to be generous and committed to preparing good spiritual leaders and guides. Do I give a chance to young leaders to take up responsibility? Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb

Have Healthy Spiritual Attachments

  19 th June 2024 11 th Week Ordinary Time Wednesday Meditation Elijah and Elisha's relationship is very much needed  in our context, too. We need friends, companions, guides, directors and spiritual directors. It is a fact in the world today; that each one guides and leads himself/herself. We have Google and AI to guide us. These search engines and machine learning are perfect and excellent but in day-to-day life and especially in spiritual life, one needs spiritual friends, spiritual guides and leaders. The relationship between Elijah and Elisha is a spiritual friendship and spiritual guidance. Elijah chooses Elisha. He decided to stay with him and go along with Elijah. Elisha develops a healthy attachment to Elijah and requests him to bless him to be his double. This wish of Elisha is granted and, on the way, back Elisha divides the river Jordan like Elijah. Do you have a healthy Spiritual attachment with someone? Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb

Restitution and Restoration is Part of Repentance

1 8 th June 2024 11 th Week Ordinary Time Tuesday 1Kings 21:17-29 Meditation God was furious at the greed of Ahab and Jezebel his wife. The Lord wants to punish them but at the humility of Ahab and the penance he undertook, the Lord assured the punishment will not be in his days but in the generations to come. God is just in punishing and rewarding. Trespasses are to be punished and due reparation has to be done for purification and justification in the sight of God. One has to remember that due restitution had to be done to the harm caused to the weak and vulnerable. One has to take note and take responsibility for the damage done to innocent. Are we aware that good repentance and renewal calls for restitution and restoration? Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb

What Do We Do with Greed!

  17 th June 2024 11 th Week Ordinary Time Monday 1 Kings 21:1-16 Meditation King Ahab wanted the vineyard of Naboth for himself; Naboth does not want to part with it; Queen Jezebel through false accusation and use of power gets him stoned to death. On the death of Naboth, King Ahab receives possession of the vineyard close to his home. It is an interesting sad story of Naboth's death and the King's fulfilment of the possession of the vineyard. Greed can take to any extent, even terminating the lives of people. Greed is one of the vices that one should overcome to grow closer to God and one another. Desire for things and people to be normal but to have it too much and to the end of harming them and ending their lives is a sin. Such sinner will have to pay for their greed. Uncontrolled greed can cause pain to oneself and others. Are we aware of our greed for possession? Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb

Are We Radical Enough

  15th June 2024 10 th Week Ordinary Time Saturday 1 King 19:19-21 Meditation Elijah throws his cloak around Elisha and Elisha follows him. God’s selection is through human mediation. God’s invitation involves renunciation of the world and commitment to the mission entrusted. God’s choices have no reason. God chooses persons for his mission from ordinary life situations. God who calls to follow him will provide all that one needs for his mission. For the mission belongs to the Lord. He prepares those whom he calls and gives them strength to follow him in times of hardship. He strengthens those in doubt and delicate. Those who heed God’s call become radical in following the way of the Lord. Are we radical enough to be followers of Jesus? Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb

God has Purpose for You

  14 th June 2024 10 th Week Ordinary Time Friday 1 King 19:9, 11-16 Meditation Elijah has an opportunity to meet the Lord at the mouth of the cave in the calmness. The Lord asks him Elijah what are you doing? Elijah has several issues and obstacles working for Israel. God listens to him and does not tell him to give up his work or to relax. But he entrusts them with work to go to different places to install other people to do his ministry. The work that is entrusted to him is good to know for the Lord expects us to do the same in our lives. The Lord told him, “Go back the way you came and go to the Desert of Damascus. When you get there, anoint Hazael king over Aram.    Also, anoint Jehu son of Nimshi king over Israel, and anoint Elisha son of Shaphat from Abel Meholah to succeed you as prophet. See, how God makes use of Elijah for his service. God has a purpose for our lives. Do you know that God has a purpose for your life? Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb

God Loves the Humble and Simple

13th June 2024 10 th Week Ordinary Time Thursday 1 King 18:41-46 Meditation God works miracles with prophets for his people and his glory. God was with Elijah in all his undertakings. God reveals many things to Elijah; he guides King Ahab; God tells him about the rain that will come. God gives him a blessing to go before King Ahab to Jezreel. God's ways are not our ways. God can do wonders with human beings. One has to cooperate with him and be his servant with faithfulness. Saints are the people who trusted not in themselves but in the goodness of God. They made use of their human faculties to do the will of God. As the hardships and temptations came on their way they entrusted themselves to God. God does great works through the humble and simple. Do we allow God to work in and through us? St Anthony of Padua Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb

Do We Say the Right Prayers

12th June 2024 10 th Week Ordinary Time Wednesday 1 King 18:20-39 Meditation The prophets of Baal prayed but their god did not heed them. Indeed, we often make wrong prayers to the wrong gods. We make gods and pray for them; such gods will not be able to fulfil our needs. We have to pray to true God and the right way.   The example of praying to the true God and the right prayer model we have in the prayer of Elijah. Prayer of Elijah: “ Lord , the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, let it be known today that you are God in Israel and that I am your servant and have done all these things at your command.   Answer me,  Lord , answer me, so these people will know that you,  Lord , are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again.” Do we pray to the true God and say the right prayers? Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb

Be at the Service of the Holy Spirit

  10 th Week Ordinary Time Tuesday Acts 11:21-26; 13:1-3 Meditation Barnabas was sent to Antioch; he accompanied Paul; he preached the Word of God to the people and many followed the message of Christ. We notice that the Spirit of the Lord prompted them to set aside Barnabas and Paul for the ministry.   We realise God prepares Barnabas to take up the responsibility of a minister of the Word. He was able to be the minister of the Lord for the Spirit of the Lord was upon him. The Spirit of the Lord blooms in us to the full if we cooperate with the designs of God. We have to allow the Spirit to work in us. We have to keep ourselves always ready to listen to the promptings of the Spirit. Let us learn from Barnabas to be available to the Spirit and do the will of God. Are we available to the works of the Spirit of God? Be at the Service of the Holy Spirit St Barnabas Ap (Mem) Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb

Trust that God Provides Our Needs

  10 th Week Ordinary Time Monday 1 Kings 17:1-6 Meditation Humans work to earn their bread. It is right and just to make his food and drink. One should keep in mind life means not only food and drink. One has to seek righteousness, justice, the kingdom of God and everything will be added unto us. One has to seek the Kingdom of God which should be the aim of life. For the Kingdom of God provides everything one needs. One has to work for the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is made possible in our living settings. Kingdom of God does not mean life to come after death but one has to make possible and establish it while one is alive. When one works for the Kingdom of God with this goal and purpose everything will be provided as ravens provide food for Elijah. God knows how to take care of needs. God is the God of providence. Do we trust in God that he provides our needs? Trust that God Provides Our Needs. Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb

Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

  8 th June 2024 9 th Week Ordinary Time Saturday Meditation On a happy occasion, everyone likes to come out with the best of their attire. Though life is momentary on this earth; one long and wishes blessings for oneself and one's generation. Life on earth gives the possibility of so many good things to enjoy and to have the continuation of the blessing of life for generations to come. There are hardships and trials in human life but comparing to the blessings and the good things one enjoys are much more. Life is better but life offers manifold ways to be sweet and joyful.   Human beings speak of punishment for misdeeds and sins; God offers abundant blessings and grace for humanity for life eternal; for which Jesus' death on the Crosse is a clear sign. God’s mercy and goodness have no end and it never runs out. God offers many opportunities to make our hearts pure and holy. The immaculate heart of Mary keeps on loving us to make holy and happy. Mary is the model of pur

Sacred Heart of Jesus (Sol)

  7th June 2024 9th Week Ordinary Time Friday Hos 11: 1, 3-4, 8c-9 Meditation A mother who brings up a child has great joy and contentment. The mother who cares for the child develops a genuine love and relationship with the child. The love and care of the mother become part and parcel of a child. The child has life and purpose in life depending upon the love and care given by the mother. Every mother is good enough to care for her child with love and sacrifice. Mothers are goddesses on earth and the embodiment of God himself on earth.  God’s love can be best compared to the love of a mother. Mother only knows to give and forgive and wish for the good of her child. The sacrifices of a mother and the heart of a mother are just like the heart of God. The love of the heart of God is manifested in the love of Jesus on the Cross. The love of Jesus is manifested through his Sacred Heart. The heart of Jesus is burning with love for every one of us. Let us learn from the heart of Jesus for he

In Jesus, we have life, life to the full.

  6 th June 2024 9 th Week Ordinary Time Thursday 2 Tim 2:8-15 Meditation Believing that Jesus died for you and me is the greatest confession of faith and healing remedy for many  human problems. It is a remedy and medicine for every problem of the human person. Faith in passion, death and resurrection completes the cycle of untold agony of human beings to an end. One has to believe in this remedy event and work towards building one’s life according to the principles of the Pascal Mystery of Christ and live by the values that manifest to us. Paul understood the mystery of Christ to the maximum and gave his life for the gospel and he worked for the establishment of the Kingdom of Christ. He made every effort that was possible to peach and build the body of Christ. He was even chained as a criminal for the sake of Christ and his message. Let us trust that we may not be faithful to God, but God is faithful. If we die with him, we will live with him. In Him, we have life, lif

The Spirit of God Gives Gifts of Grace

  5th of June 2024 9 th Week Ordinary Time Wednesday 2 Tim 1:1-3,6-12 Meditation The best way to show love and respect to someone is to pray for them. Paul promises prayers for Timothy. Paul says the spirit of God will not make one timid but gives power, self-discipline and love. God gives us grace through Jesus. The grace of God leads on the right path. Blessed are those who make use of the grace of God for good. The grace of God enables us to preach and teach the gospel. The gospel is the good news that Jesus came to save humanity from their sins. It is the grace of God that makes us teachers, preachers and apostles of the gospel. Everyone is called to proclaim the goodness of the kingdom of God. It is a challenge to live by the Good News that we preach and proclaim in our lives. Do we have the desire to follow what we preach and teach? Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb

God's Law is Law of Love

  4 th June 2024 9 th Week Ordinary Time Tuesday 2 Pet 3:12-15a, 17-18 Meditation A time of destruction is bound to come in life and the world. One has to be prepared for such an eventuality. Not only to face them to avoid danger but to submit to God as holy and blameless before God, when the final call from this life comes. As we are aware we are not eternal on earth but waiting for life after death with God in the world to come which will have no end. To prepare for eternal life would mean to guard oneself from unlawful life. God has given us the discerning spirit to know what is lawful and unlawful; what is good and what is bad; what is virtue and what is sinful. Let us take care not to indulge in evil and fall short of growing in virtue and goodness. St Vincentia (Caterina) Gerosa Do we follow the commandments of God? Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb

One Virtue Leads to Many Other Virtues

  3rd June 2024 9 th Week Ordinary Time Monday 2 Pet 1:2-7 Meditation God has designed humans not to be corrupted and lost in the world like any other material things but to share glory with him in body and spirit. He invites them to have faith, goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, mutual affection and finally to be filled with love. The above qualities are God given to us. They are available to us and they can be tapped for one’s spiritual benefits.   One has to make an effort with the help of God to acquire this chain of qualities to have the Spirit of God working in us and to live by the spirit of God. Are we aware that one needs to connect with many positive qualities to be holy? St Charles Lwanga (Mem Fr Putti Anthaiah Sdb